Saturday, November 24, 2012


23rd Nov 2012 - 
-24th Nov 2012

Something caused this blog to be create to note down the memories between you and me. Perhaps you may not know about this but as for today whole day my heart is just have an awkward feeling. The feeling seem to be very close but yet so far. Things happened seem to be right nor wrong in certain perspective but I hope that everything is TRUE because we do have the same sense. 

At the moment in shopping mall, I believe you will have the same sense of me which hands passing across each other. If the feeling is true, it has broad us to another level of sense that caused the result of metaphor.

This moment has gives both of us another challenging moment of life to go through because I were free and you are not. Things seem to be incorrect from your side but I have initiated the whole situation to begun. If I could turn back time, I will still proceed with the same scenario because I know what I am doing were TRUE from our deep heart feeling.

Yes it is true that today my whole day has been drowning by the scenario happened last night, perhaps it was cute but is real. If you are free, maybe we have been officially but yet life still does not come with perfection. I believe if faith standing on our side, we will be able to go through this hard time.

I should say it was a remarkable moment for both of US...

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